Tuesday, April 8, 2008

How about Young Baby Activities?

So I've been reading some of the suggested ideas from the previous posts of games and activities to do with the older baby.  But, being a mother of a two month old, I feel his life is very routine, and only eat, sleep, and poop.  Are there any activities you can suggest for stimulating senses in such a young one? Not only for him, but also for me, so I can feel I'm doing more with him.


Nancy said...

Young baby activities...I'm trying to think what we would do. I know we did a lot because Rachel was rarely willing to just lay around.

We read a lot of books. A lot of books. We look at the pictures and point to things. Books with basic black and white pictures are stimulating for younger babies.

We played patty-cake with her feet.

I stacked blocks on her. We have some chewy-toy blocks that I'd stack on her tummy or back.

We would practice crawling, tummy time...check out the month of August in my blog. It looks like we did a lot of holding and talking and singing and tummy time. Lots and lots of tummy time.

We were already putting Rachel upside down when she was 2 months old--she's kind of a crazy baby, so I'm not sure I'd recommend it, although perhaps she just came crazy and energetic.

We went on a lot of walks. And play dates are always fun!

Are there any young mothers in your ward and/or neighborhood over there? Even if there are babies that are a bit older or young, it seems to work out :).

I do a lot of photo shoots. I like to take pictures and it helps me talk to Rachel. "Come on, smile! Where's your smile? Look at mommy! Hey, baby! Look at mommy!"

Ummm...I'll let you know if I think of anything else! :)

Nancy said...

Hey check out this!

Aquaspce said...

little babies like shiny things and black and white things, faces especially, try making a mobile with black and white photos, or wrap tinfoil around cardboard cutouts for another mobile idea. Deklan liked to stand a lot, so he would stand and bounce I think this started around two and half or three months. (As soon as he could hold up his head, which was pretty early for him.) We did a lot of swimming, he was born in the winter so that was an activity he could do without getting too cold.